For the past several weeks I have been starting my days being angry at him and anyone else who happened to cross my path because I just don't want to be on toddler duty at 5 a.m.
It's not even that I want to sleep in. It's just that I like to start my day slowly and quietly -- two concepts that my two-year-old just doesn't seem to get!
In my perfect world I would wake up between five and six and slip downstairs alone for a walk or some yoga, followed by a cup of tea and time to write in my journal. Then I would get breakfast ready for my loving children who would wander downstairs (fully dressed and in pleasant moods!) around 7:30.
And I have a feeling we'll get there someday! (If Quinn follows in his sleepy-head sister's footsteps.)
But in the meantime Quinn has been wide awake and clambering into our bed at 5 a.m. for several weeks now and I have been growing increasingly more annoyed -- at him for being awake so early, and at John for somehow managing to sleep through the onslaught of exuberance.
Over the weekend I decided that I've had enough.
I don't like waking up angry. I don't like resenting my beautiful son. And I really, really need to figure out a way to have my smooth, peaceful morning that I desire so I'm not walking around in an angry, foggy haze all morning.
So I decided that no matter what the time or how I am awoken, I am going to choose to wake up in a pleasant mood, filled with gratitude and excitement for the coming day.
On Monday morning when not just Quinn -- but also Lily, who was SO excited for her first day of camp that she just couldn't sleep! -- arrived bedside at 4:45, I offered to take them on an "animal walk" (a walk in the double stroller to look for dawn-loving critters).
With a couple of pieces of toast to munch on, full sippy cups and a camera, we set off!
The only critters we saw were birds, but that was enough to entertain the kids and give me some time to mentally run through the coming day.
Since then Quinn and I have taken two more early morning walks and I'm not sure who is enjoying it more!
Here are some photos from our recent adventures...
We came up over the hill this morning and our neighbor's horses were at the fence waiting to greet us!

Then two swans entertained us.

"The waterfall is amazing, Mama. Waterfall makes Kin (Quinn) feel happy!"

Thank you Quinn, for inspiring your Mama to stretch out of her comfort zone. I love this special time that we've created together!